Services  / Prototyping

Elevate Your Design with UX Prototyping Excellence


UX prototyping is creating a basic, testable version of a digital product to understand how it will work and identify any issues before building the final product. It's like a trial run to ensure everything functions smoothly and meets user needs.

Why Prototyping Is Needed?

UX prototyping is a pivotal phase in the design process that elucidates the functionality of the final product, enabling the assessment and enhancement of the user experience

Visualizing Concepts
Better Experience
Competitive Edge
Enhanced User Satisfaction
Save Time and Resources
Efficient Decision-Making

Why Choose Us?

At Fluidesigns, we know that great design starts with a clear vision. Our prototyping services are designed to bring your ideas to life and ensure your project is on the right track.


We've honed our craft through years of hands-on experience, making us your trusted partners in turning concepts into reality.


Our prototyping services are tailored to your unique project requirements, ensuring that your vision remains at the forefront.


Your insights and feedback are invaluable, and we welcome collaboration to fine-tune and perfect the prototype.


We engage in multiple steps to ensure a clean and seamless prototyping process. Here's a general outline of how our agency typically approaches prototyping:

Understand Your Vision

We begin by diving deep into your project, understanding your goals, target audience, and desired user experience.

Sketch and Ideate

With a clear vision in mind, our team sketches out multiple ideas, exploring various possibilities for your prototype.

Rapid Prototyping

This agile approach allows us to quickly create and iterate on prototypes, saving you time and resources.

User-Centered Testing

We conduct user testing sessions to gather insights, ensuring your prototype meets user needs and expectations.

Refine and Perfect

Based on feedback and testing results, we refine the prototype until it aligns perfectly with your project goals.

Handover for Development

we provide you with a polished prototype ready for the development phase. Our seamless handover ensures a smooth transition.

What Can You Expect as a Deliverable?

Clickable Prototypes
User Flow & Task Flow
Screen Transitions
Annotated Wireframes & Prototypes
Prototype Documentation
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Flexible Prototyping Team

Lead UX Designer
UI Designer
UX Designer
Interaction Designer

Our Work

Frequently Asked Questions

How does prototyping differ from the final product or design?
What are the key benefits of prototyping in UI/UX projects?
Can you create prototypes for web and mobile applications?
What is the typical timeline for creating a prototype for a UI/UX project?
Do you assist with usability testing of prototypes?